Summer 2021 Tutoring Application Now Open!
This summer we plan on offering staff-led small groups. These small groups will meet two times a week, Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday in the morning or afternoon. Our goal is for these groups to take place physically at TLC, with some virtual options available, depending on need. Summer tutoring will run from Monday, July 19 – Thursday, August 12. Please note, these dates and our summer programs are subject to change at any point.
If you are interested in your child participating in our tutoring program this summer, please complete the following application form. This form will provide you with more details around our current plan for the summer tutoring, as well as the opportunity to note your availability. "
English - https://www.jotform.com/Tetonliteracy/summer2021tutoring_Eng
Spanish - https://form.jotform.com/Tetonliteracy/summer2021tutoring_Span
If you are interested in your child participating in our tutoring program this summer, please complete the following application form. This form will provide you with more details around our current plan for the summer tutoring, as well as the opportunity to note your availability. "
English - https://www.jotform.com/Tetonliteracy/summer2021tutoring_Eng
Spanish - https://form.jotform.com/Tetonliteracy/summer2021tutoring_Span
After School Tutoring for the 2020-2021 School Year
Students reading six months or more below grade level work one-to-one with a volunteer tutor for one hour, after school, each week. Through literacy tutoring, students gain confidence and establish a rapport with their tutor. They also build skills in comprehension, fluency, word decoding, and writing. Tutoring sessions offer the opportunity to focus on personalized literacy and learning needs. Tutoring is free to families, thanks to our volunteers who donate their time.
Program Update: Teton Literacy Center's Tutoring Program is at Capacity for the 2020 - 2021 Academic Year
Unfortunately TLC is unable to accommodate additional students in our tutoring program at this point in the school year.
We are happy to place your child on the waitlist and if a space becomes availalble this spring, we will be in touch. If a space does not become available, we will automatically place your child on our waitlist for tutoring in the Fall of 2021. To place your child on the waitlist, please complete the appropriate application linked in below. We will be in touch if a space becomes available this spring or reach out for updated availability in the fall.
Unfortunately TLC is unable to accommodate additional students in our tutoring program at this point in the school year.
We are happy to place your child on the waitlist and if a space becomes availalble this spring, we will be in touch. If a space does not become available, we will automatically place your child on our waitlist for tutoring in the Fall of 2021. To place your child on the waitlist, please complete the appropriate application linked in below. We will be in touch if a space becomes available this spring or reach out for updated availability in the fall.
Returning StudentIf your child or student has attended our tutoring program in previous academic years, please complete the application below and we will begin the matching process.
New StudentIf you are interested in your child or student receiving after school tutoring, please compete the following steps:
Tutoring helps build confidence, motivation, and skills
“When our daughter was just beginning 2nd grade, she was struggling with reading. She was frustrated and fought every night just to get through a low level book. After a year of working with the staff at Teton Literacy Center, she scored above the second grade goal on the Dibels Test. Her success can be any child’s success with resources like those available at TLC."
-The Gambler Family
Tutoring provides the opportunity to build relationships with community leaders.
“It is very gratifying to see my student’s skills improve… Some kids need the kind of individualized attention that schools simply cannot provide."
- James Radda, Tutor