Virtual Tutoring Curriculum
Just because things are virtual doesn't mean all of the sudden you will be watching YouTube and playing Minecraft with your student. We have been uncovering some truly magical things to do with your student during virtual tutoring sessions over the past six months. We want to share our discoveries with you. Explore the content below see (and learn) some of our favorite virtual tutoring resources as they relate to our new tutoring format.
Virtual Tutoring Session Format
Weekly sessions with your student will follow the format outlined below. Sessions will be roughly one hour in length, with students joining for 45 minutes. Tutor Coaches will provide direct instruction at the start of your tutoring session. The goal of this instruction is to provide you with some guidance on how to best proceed with the next component of your lesson. Additionally, Tutor Coaches will always be available to field any questions you may have throughout the entire session.
Resources for Virutal Tutoring
While we will always provide links and references to the following resources in your lesson plan, we want to provide you with access to some of our favorite tools for virtual tutoring. Explore the curricular pages below and discover some tools we might commonly pull from for our virtual tutoring sessions. Please let us know if there are any resources that you know of too!
Fluency and Comprehension Individualized comprehension, fluency and writing activities that tie to the overarching direct instruction provided by the Tutor Coach will be included in your lesson plan. Tutor Coaches will pull strategies from Literacy Framework Resources, such as the Fountas & Pinnell Continuum or The Reading Strategies Book. Click on the link below to explore some of the most effective virtual comprehension resources we have found.
Word WorkIndividualized word study activities that tie to the overarching direct instruction provided by your Tutor Coach will be included in your lesson plan. Activities will be comprised of sight word exercises, vocabulary word, and Words Their Way curriculum activities and decoding. Click on the link below to discover what some of these activities will look like
Warm-Ups, Wrap- Ups, and Brain BreaksA brief warm up and relationship building activity will be utilized to "break the ice" and build writing and vocabulary skills. Additionally, if you're struggling to engage your student, it's always okay to have a virtual "brain break". Click on the link below and uncover some of our favorite virtual activities we have discovered.
Virtual Tutoring "In-Action" VideosExplore our growing library of virtual literacy teaching in action. Use these videos to explore some of the tips and tricks we have uncovered to maximize engagement and create a powerful learning environment for the amazing students we serve.